The Reasonableness of Worship
Psalms 33:1-5
The Character of True Worship
Experiencing God
Pastor Paul Hill Gives a sermon on Experiencing God.
Mark 8:22-26
20/20 Vision — Seeing Clearly
Act 13:1-12
Pastor Joel Compares Antioch’s willingness to share with our willingness to share in relationships
Acts 12:1-19
Breaking Chains
Acts 11:19-30
The benefits of laborers working together.
Act 11:1-18
Being willing to change.
Acts 10:34-48
The impartiality of God
Acts 10:9-33
Dealing with change
Acts 4:31-32
Marks of a healthy church.
The story of Cornelius continues to show the transition from Judaism to Christianity, Pastor Joel elaborates on what Cornelius teaches us about communing with God.
Acts 9:26-31
Moving On from the past
Acts 9:1-19a
Saul’s Conversion
Acts 9:19-25
The Jump start of Paul’s Witness.
Acts 8:26-40
“Phillip and the Ethiopian”
Acts 8:9-25
True Repentance
Acts 8:1-8
When things don’t go as planned
Acts 6:8-15
“Defending your faith”
Acts 7:1-60
Stephen Speech